Ensalada de tomate con puerros confitados, olivas negras y ventresca
Ceviche de langostinos con Idiazábal y guacamole
Huevos fritos con cremoso de patata, chips, jamón ibérico y aceite de trufa
Tataki de atún con aguacate, tomate y edamames
Katsu curry de pollo crujiente con arroz basmati y salsa de curry
Entrecot a la italiana con rúcula, tomate semiseco y parmesano
Tarta de mascarpone y frutos rojos
Brownie con ganache de chocolate
26 euros
Mínimo 4 comensales
Primera bebida individual incluida (agua, refresco, cerveza) o una botella de vino cada 4.
Tomato salad with leek confit, black olives and tuna belly
Prawn ceviche with Idiazabal and guacamole
Fried eggs with creamed potatoes, crisps, iberico ham and truffle dressing
Tuna tataki with avocado, tomato and edamame
Crispy chicken currywith basmati rice and curry sauce
Entrecote Italian style with rocket, semi-dried tomato and parmesan cheese
Mascarpone and red fruit tart
Brownie with chocolateganache
26 euros
For 4 people or more
First drink included (water, soft drink or beer) or a bottle of wine for every 4 guests.